Friday, February 22, 2013

MesaStila Bike Tour (25-27/01/2013)


Review kali ini tentang my trip ikutan bike tour di Magelang (arah Bandungan, Ambarawa). Waktunya barengan dengan Lombok Audax. Karena  bosen road bike, jarang-jarang juga ada mtb tour, jadi aku pilih mtb aja.
Btw, Pak Octo sukses ikut Lombox Audax 300km dalam 17.5 jam saja, congrats ya daddy O!

Jumat (25/01/2013)
Pulang kantor langsung ke bandara, dengan Sriwijaya Air (40 menit penerbangan) tiba di Semarang jam 20.00 dan sudah dijemput petugas dari hotel (dibawakan macam-macam softdrink, snack, dan buah untuk bekal di jalan yang memakan waktu sekitar 2jam).
Fyi, MesaStila dulunya adalah Losari Spa Retreat & Coffee Plantation (; hotelnya bagus banget, joglo villa dan beberapa bangunan Belanda di tengah kebun kopi dan hutan.
Check-in jam 22.30 (untung sudah telpon untuk disiapkan dinner ala carte di kamar, karena kitchen-nya tutup jam 22.00). Take some pictures of the room (cool and spooky, sampai my room-mate Christina, ngungsi karena dia “sensitive”, sementara aku pasrah aja, hehehe…), shower , then sleep.
Sabtu (26/01/2013)
Pas sarapan jam 6.30, ternyata ada mas big Iwan, Romi, dan teman-teman SJN (Sepeda Jelajah Nusantara, aku ikut trip SJN ke Tambora April 2012(catper-nya belum kelar), ada Pak Afghan, mas Muslimin, dan mas Widhi fotografer kita di gowes Petrobikers Jogja. Ada mas Gandhen, Pak Anto, dan  Pak Dargo sekeluarga (Roadies/Puspa), Pak Darmawan Samsu & Ibu, juga mas Iqbal Pertamina (d/h BP); dan ada Pak Dubes Venezuela (Darwin Tovar) yang kupikir orang Indonesia campur India tapi kok nggak bisa bahasa Indonesia, hehehe…
Rute pagi ini sepanjang 39km dari MesaStila-Grabag-Selomirah-Girirejo-Jogoyasan-Pagergunung-Seworan-Kleteran-Citrosono-Seworan-Kalipucang-Kalikuda-MesaStila.

Sebelum start  (900m dpl) sebanyak 37 peserta gerak badan and last but not least berdoa dulu.
Trek jalan raya, jalan kampung, jalan tanah, masuk hutan, seru banget deh!! 
Cuaca cerah, lumayan panas, tapi hujan gerimis nggak jelas sekitar jam 13.00. Break dengan sandwich dan buah-buahan dari hotel sambil lesehan  di gunung Andong ( break di 1200m dpl), sekitar 1km sebelum sampai di lokasi break jalan nanjak sampai bosen tuntun bike (nggak ada fotonya, karena pas aku sampai teman-teman sudah gowes lagi, hehe…. as usual aku kan selalu jadi kuncen gowes).

Aku finished jam 14.30, no. 3 dari belakang, lumayanlah, Pak Dubes & seorang Ibu goweser yang finish paling belakang; langsung lunch, mandi, dan leyeh-leyeh. 
Sayang sekali nggak bisa explore sekeliling hotel karena hujan.

Dinner dengan menu yummy (terutama ikan bakar dabu-dabunya) di mulai jam 19.00, karena ketiduran aku baru ke resto jam 19.45. Saat itu sedang diputar film dari kamera teman-teman SJN dan peserta lainnya. Sambil nonton film kami memperkenalkan diri satu persatu, karena peserta tidak terlalu banyak jadi suasananya kekeluargaan. Kami juga urun rembug untuk rute next day, karena sebagian peserta will take flight jam 17.00 dan seterusnya jadi harus ke bandara jam 14.00. Akhirnya disepakati peserta yang harus c/o jam 14.00 hanya bersepeda 10km, sedangkan peserta lainnya bisa gowes original trek sepanjang 48km. Ada juga beberapa peserta yang tidak gowes karena ingin ber spa ria dan menikmati hotel yang memang eksotis banget.

Minggu (27/01/2013)
Original trek adalah Mesastila – Candi Umbul – Grabag – Karangkajen – Peucang – Ngadiredjo - Grabag – Sidogede - Mesastila
Start jam 7.30-an, aku ikut grup 10km (Mesastila – Candi Umbul – Mesastila) , mas Iwan dan Romi ikut grup original (share pengalamannya ya mas, thanks in advance).
Dari Mesastila barengan gowes ke Candi Umbul dan setelah itu misah deh.  Grup 10km balik ke hotel, yang lain lanjut.  Kulihat foto-fotonya di FB, grup ori mampir di Borobudur, keren banget !!

Gowes ke Candi Umbul melewati pematang sawah yang bikin aku deg-degan takut kecemplung (dan ternyata ada peserta  yang kecemplung beneran).
Mas Indra, salah satu peserta yang juga master 3 (triathlon) berlari dari hotel dan baru gowes dari Candi Umbul dengan grup  ori.

Kami sempat masuk ke Candi Umbul, agak siwer juga yang mana candinya, karena adanya tradisional pool. Anyway, setelah break di Candi Umbul dengan pisang steam coklat (resep baru ni, coklatnya diselipkan dalam pisang yang masih berkulit dan di-steam ), kami langsung gowes lagi.

Aku finish jam 11.00-an, no. 3 lagi dari belakang (dari 9 peserta); langsung beberes sepeda dan koper. Oiya, by default sepeda dicuci 2x (Rp 50,000 masuk ke bill hotel) , mekanik cincai  aja mau dikasih tip berapa.
Teman-teman yang gowes ori tiba di hotel antara jam 12.00-13.00.
Sambil lunch dibagikan medali bike tour ala Mesastila yang lucu banget seperti gantungan sapi.
Meskipun dapat goodie bag 250gr kopi robusta  produk Mesastila & VCD advert hotelnya, sebelum c/o aku belanja kopi lagi buat oleh-oleh (100gr = IDR 17,000; 250gr = IDR 35,000) 
Jam 14.00 kami ke bandara (aku semobil dengan mas Iqbal Pertamina). Mas Iwan, Romi, dan teman-teman lain yang bawa mobil sendiri dari Jakarta or yang c/o Senin masih sibuk ber spa ria.

Bike tour ini asik dan worth it banget. Dengan IDR 2,500,000 share villa, bisa nginep 2 malam full board (incl. 1 jersey, refreshment, meal, airport transfer) dan kita bisa gowes dengan trek mtb yang yahud.
F&B menunya yummy dan sehat ala 5 stars hotel. Staff dan pelayanannya oke banget. Panitia care denga peserta, marshal bermotor selalu siap sedia bawa aqua, pocari, dan coklat buat kita (minumannya tergantung kita mau apa nanti mereka mampir di warung beliin).
Mesastila juga cocok buat retreat (sepi dan jauh dari keramaian), apalagi yang suka nature, adventure, dan etnic things. Hotelnya menyediakan mtb untuk di rent dan bisa arrange bike trip around the area, ada juga free coffee plantation tour buat hotel guest. 
Next pengin nginep  lagi di sini tapi nabung dulu ah, karena villa tempatku bermalam ratenya IDR 2,800,000++/night incl. BF & airport transfer only, rasanya gak puas kalo cuma nginep wiken aja, hehehe…!!

Next event:
-          22-25 February 2013: Tour de Khatulistiwa (Pontianak – Singkawang, TT dan roadbike 153km,
-          6-7 April 2013: Borobudur Audax (100km, 200km, 300km;


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tour de Belitung (TdB) 8-9 December 2012 (English)


My journal this time is Tour de Belitung on December 8-9, 2013, on-road 300 km.
Followed by 208 participants from Jakarta: PCC (Puri Cycling Club), SCT (Serpong Cycling Team), TSCC (Taman Surya), MP3 (Muara Karang, PIK, Pluit), MCT (Monas Cycling Team), PGN (Perusahaan Gas Negara/National Gas Company), KGB (Kelapa Gading), ID Selap, WIII, Axioo, Skippy, and Petrobikers  (Octo (Inti Brunel), Herki (Murphy), Ade SPC)); from Bandung is Galao (Gowes Anti Loading, Putra and Iwan (we bike at Bali Bike Kompas/BBK), Solo Cycling Club (SCC), Medan Gowes Group (MGG) with Ahin as the older bikers (72 years old) who ride over size mountain bike, but he is very tough!!; 2 bikers from Hongkong (Dale and Luke), and Mark Winkle from Jakarta (I met him  at BBK), Axel and Tenne (host of Lombok Audax 25-27 Januari 2013), Bangka Bike Community, Belitung Bike Community.

December 7, 2012 (Friday)
Sriwijaya Air delayed for about 1 hour, most of the passengers are TdB bikers, who joined WSA (West Sumatra Audax), Bali Bike Kompas (BBK), Bali Audax, and other audax, feel like reunion.
The good thing is bicycle already sent by Sriwijaya cargo since December 4 (the cargo start from 4 to 6 December, fee is IDR 75,000). The committee very well prepared, because only 6 flight per day to Belitung (Sriwijaya Air (4x) and Batavia Air (2x)), with only 30 bikes/flight. The committee also very keen to inform about registration after arrive at the hotel, how to take our bicycle, etc; through black berry messenger.
After arrived at H. As. Hanandjoeddin airport; we take the bus and drop  by to the famous Mie Belitung Atep (noodle with sweet broth, with condiment cucumber, shrimp, and crackers), then continue to the hotel.     
Directly register to the committee after arrived at Bahamas Hotel (got 1 jersey, sticker bag and bike, ID bangle, salt stick, and traditional herbal cold syrup from the sponsor)

Mechanic already stand by, just inform our bike box, and the bicycle will be ready in a couple hours. Fee is up to us, I paid IDR 100,000 for mantle and dismantle my bike including pack in the box.
Technical meeting held at 6pm for about 45 mins, then by 3 buses (there are only 4 buses in Belitung, 3 rented for TdB) and some minibuses, we went to Bupati’s house (Bupati is the head of the region), there was also live music and karaoke.

December 8, 2012 (Saturday) 
Today the distance will be 180km including 5km extra cycle to Bupati’s office for real start.
The route is Buding Village (45km), Manggar (incl. lunch at Fega Restaurant (45km), Elementary  School No. 8 at Air Ruak Village (45km), and finish at Tanjung Pendam Beach(40km).

There are some off-roader with mountain bike like me (I change my mountain bike to road bike hybrid by change the tire), but still it’s waste lots of energy. Every time I reached the break point, all of bikers has been gone even there were still lots of water and fruits. My bike also quite heavy (it’s about 15kg), I tried Pinarello (one of the on-road bike) which is less than 6kg, huhuhu… wonder all road bikes were very fast (but maybe their frame is titanium, while mine still chromoly, hehehe…!!) A couple times I was the last one, this time the marshal is policeman on motorbike, who encourage me through loudspeaker “come on madame, you can do it…!!” made everybody along the street stared at me, how embarrassing, hehehe…!!

After lunch at Manggar, it was very hot, more less 38 Celsius , but after about 1 hour later, it was cloudy and big rain!!  At the end I think it’s enough for today ride, no rain coat, slippery asphalt, got enough shower from my front tire. It’s a pity because the trek is quite flat but there is no place to hide from the rain, palm tree along the road. Luckily there was still last space in the police sweeper car.
At Elementary  School No. 8 at Air Ruak Village, the students welcome the bikers in the rain. At this time the committee was not only provided water, fruit, and snack, but also towel, what a nice touch!!
The first day finish celebration has been donewhen I arrived at Tanjung Pendam beach (last point), with some last bikers I bike slowly to the hotel which is only 10 minutes from Tanjung Pendam.

December 9, 2012 (Sunday)
Ride distance today is about 110km, the route is Bahamas Hotel – Mempiu Village, Kampong Cerucuk (35km), Tanjung Tinggi beach (the beach of “Rainbow Warrior”/”Laskar Pelangi” film for photo session (45km); Bukit Berahu Restaurant for lunch (13km), and finish at Bahamas Hotel (17km). The lunch quite yummy (fish and meatball, bean sprout stir fry, fried shrimp, chicken soya ketchup, fried snapper fillet, fruits and durian).
After lunch we went to Lengkuas Island by boat for short picnic. There are a lighthouse which we can climb to the top (it’s about 225 stairs)

It was a big rain when we left the island, however after arrive back to Bukit Berahu Restaurant we should bike again for the last 17km to the hotel.
After arrived at Bahamas Hotel around 5pm, all bikers queued for medal and photo session. On the evening we went to Hotel Hatika by bus for gala dinner. There were some presentation about next event during dinner, i.e. presentation from Tenne for Lombok Audax on January 25-27, 2013 (Tenne & Axel picture, below), presentation from Medan Gowes Group for Tour de Danau Toba on March 8-12,  2013; and door prize time (mobile phone, tablet, notebook, home theater).  

December 10, 2012 (Monday)
With first flight of Sriwijaya Air (around 7.30am) about 20 bikers who wear office clothes fly back to Jakarta. Even bike boxes has been delivered to the airport since Sunday night, but Sriwijaya Air only allows to check the baggage in on Monday morning. Thanks to Pak Amos the committee who was very helpful to arrange baggage and passenger check-in. This time the bike baggage is free of charge .
For safety reason bike box should change with ID bangle, so no memorabilia, huhuhu…!!

My Note
The committee is very professional and helpful. Lots of mineral water, Pocari sweat, fruits, and snack during the break. There was light meal at the hotel every afternoon and snack box at the lobby that we can take to the room.
I got enlightenment from Pak Amos about on-road ride, i.e. when ride up-hill should take big gear not  small gear like what off-roader bike does, due to long ride it’s much better to have exercise at least 3 days a week with minimum 100km/exercise (which is very hard for me as an employee who work 7 to 4), when biking it’s better with a group and to safe the energy, just ride behind them for hide from wind in-front. If we missed 2 weeks exercise, our ride endurance will drop 40%, if no exercise in one month, there is no more ride endurance left.
However, the off-roader got appreciation from the on-roader who understand how tough to follow on-road rhythm.
There is no stamp card at this event, because the event is not a race, but for picnic (to introduce Belitung tourism) and gathering among bikers.
The Fee (excl air-ticket) is IDR 3,000,000 (twin share) or IDR 5,000,000 (single room) or IDR 5,000,000 (single + spouse who does not bike, but the committee arrange ecotourism and shop trip)
Pak Amos informed that the total cost for this event is about IDR 700million, the committee also succeed to lobbying local government and head of local police who also join the ride.

Next event
